EV700 App is an all-encompassing EV Charging mobile app that allows you access to the same configuration options available on the charger! Set power output to your preferred amperage setting, schedule charging, rename your charger, initiate and conclude charging sessions, and see live charging statistics on your phone.

Once your EV700 is plugged into your electric vehicle, start and stop sessions on your phone.

See EV700 energy expenditure, output, and charge session time statistics live.

Reduce output, save on your utility bill, and charge overnight!
Live Statistics
See current, power output, voltage, and machine temperature live.
Initiate Charges
See EV700 energy expenditure, output, and charge session time statistics live.
Change Start Methods
Change how you wish to start a charge (plug and go or RFID card).
Schedule Sessions
Plan ahead and schedule when you would like to charge with your EV700.