Harness the Sun​

Solar-Powered EV Charging Solutions by TurnOnGreen

Revolutionize Your Business with Solar EV Charging Innovation​

Unlock the full potential of renewable energy for your business with TurnOnGreen’s cutting-edge solar-powered EV charging solutions. Embrace a future where energy efficiency meets eco-friendly innovation, all designed to elevate your company’s sustainability and economic footprint.

Why Install Solar and EV Chargers at Your Property

Sustainable Transformation

Demonstrates your dedication to sustainability by upgrade your property with solar panels and EV chargers to embrace eco-friendly trends and reduce your carbon footprint.

Economic Advantages

Integrating solar and EV charging not only slashes electricity costs using the sun’s energy but also boosts property appeal and value by attracting eco-conscious individuals. 

Energy Independence

Adopting solar and EV charging fosters energy independence, decreasing grid reliance and cushioning against rising costs, ensuring a stable energy supply and bolstering property resilience.

Government Incentives and Rebates

Government incentives, rebates, and tax credits reduce the cost of adopting solar and EV technologies, enhancing your investment’s return and contributing to your emission reduction goals.

Partnering up with TurnOnGreen and Endliss Power

Zero Upfront Costs

The 10-25-year Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA) allows rooftop transformation into a solar asset at no upfront cost, offering significant savings of up to 70% in electricity costs.

Secure Predictable Energy Costs

The PPA model caps annual electricity cost increases at 3%, significantly lower than the typical 8%, ensuring predictable and stable bills for confident financial planning.

Hassle-Free Maintenance

Receive complete maintenance and support for your solar and EV charging system for 10-25 years, with ownership transferring to you at no extra cost afterward.

Solar and Electric vehicle charging solutions for every market

Our solutions are designed to help the accomadate the growing demand for EV charging where people live, work, and play. 

Multifamily Complexes

Apartments and condominiums can greatly benefit from solar-powered EV charging stations, providing an attractive amenity for residents who own electric vehicles or are considering making the switch. 

Corporate Office Parks

Businesses with large parking facilities can leverage solar-powered EV charging to support employees’ transition to electric vehicles, reinforcing the company’s commitment to environmental stewardship and attracting eco-conscious talent.

Retail Centers

Offering solar-powered EV charging can attract more customers by catering to the growing number of electric vehicle drivers, encouraging longer visits and potentially increasing spending at retail locations.

Educational Campuses

Universities, colleges, and schools with large parking areas can install solar-powered EV charging stations to serve students, faculty, and visitors, promoting sustainability practices within the educational community.

Public Parks

Enhancing these spaces with solar-powered EV charging stations can encourage eco-friendly transportation among visitors, contributing to cleaner air and environmental conservation while providing a valuable service.

The Solar-Powered EV Charging Process

Discover how to transform your business with solar-powered EV charging: a seamless, step-by-step journey towards sustainability and energy independence.

Begin your journey to sustainable energy by reaching out for a free consultation with our solar and EV charging experts. This initial step is crucial in assessing your business’s unique needs and potential. To kickstart the process, you’ll need to provide essential documents, such as recent utility bills, which will help our team determine your eligibility for a Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA). This agreement is a pivotal aspect of transitioning to solar power, offering you the opportunity to harness renewable energy with zero upfront costs.

Following your consultation, the next phase involves scheduling an onsite evaluation. This critical assessment allows our specialists to determine the power availability at your location and iron out the installation specifics. Understanding the spatial dynamics and electrical infrastructure of your site ensures that the solar panels and EV chargers are positioned for maximum efficiency and accessibility.

With the insights gained from the onsite evaluation, you’ll collaborate with our dedicated team on the engineering design phase. This tailored approach considers the unique aspects of your business location to create an optimized solar and EV charging solution. During this phase, we’ll also navigate the permit application process together. Securing the necessary permits is an essential step towards making your solar-powered EV charging vision a reality, ensuring compliance with local regulations and standards.

Once the permits are obtained, it’s time to bring the project to life. Our certified installation team will implement the carefully designed solar panels and EV chargers at your business premises. This phase marks the culmination of meticulous planning and preparation, transitioning your property into an eco-friendly powerhouse. By integrating solar energy with EV charging capabilities, you’re not just reducing your carbon footprint; you’re setting a new standard for energy efficiency and innovation in your industry.

Start Your Green Transformation by Requesting Your Free Consultation​

Dive into renewable energy solutions tailored for your property by filling out our form for a complimentary consultation. Discover how solar panels and EV charging can revolutionize your energy use, reduce costs, and showcase your commitment to a greener planet. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn more about the transformative benefits and support available to make your transition seamless. Start your journey to sustainability with expert guidance now.